We specialize in cultivation
of seedlings which have been
occupied through our grandparents
and is still running to this day.

Magnolias and shrubs

One of the few and most interesting varieties of trees and shrubs in our Farm.

  • Magnolia Stellata, starry-magnolia flowers fragrant, pure white, like a star, wide open, up to 15cm in diameter.
    Magnolia stellata blooms the earliest out of all of magnolias - usually in early April, before its leaf growth.
    It's unique because of it's beautiful and fragrant flowers, the color pure white, reaching a diameter of up to 10cm. Flowers very charming and fragrant. Wide open like a star, hence the name - Magnolia stellata
  • Magnolia purple magnolia liliflora Niger Niger darkest ruby-red fragrant flowers is one of the most beautiful of magnolias with a bold, dark flowers.
    Flower buds are almost black, and developed deep purple flowers on the outside and very bright inside. Cup-shaped flowers, stately, about 13cm long. Lightly fragrant. It blooms profusely, later than the other magnolias, usually in May. Purple Magnolia Nigra often repeats flowering in July.
  • Pine mountain pine WINTER GOLD Very impressive, dwarf, dwarf mountain pine beetle form slow-growing, reaching after 10 years of approx. 0.5 m high by 1 m in diameter.
    Distinguished by gold staining light-green needles zimÄ…. In winter golden-yellow .
  • Wisteria - Wisteria lilac rain Wisteria - Wisteria lilac rain is one of the most beautiful vines that during flowering is second to none. Shoots have a strong winding clockwise or counter-clockwise, reaching up to 10 m. in height. It requires very strong support. . Flowers develop during the previous last year's side-shoots and have the form of large clusters of blue white light purplish colors.
    This Offered plant is so-called grafted which helps it bloom at once

  • European beech 'Purpurea Pendula Slow growing small tree "hanging" umbrella-shaped crown. It grows up to several meters wide . Leaves dark red, in autumn they turn a reddish color. It prefers fertile soil and fresh, with a constant level of ground water. The Perfect tree for small gardens as a strong accent color the picturesque habit.
  • Palm Maple - Acer palmatum Palm Maple - Acer palmatum are the finest and most desirable plants in the world. Its beauty can not be resisted.
    Maple Palm has a very decorative foliage_ taking on ripiphoridae form. Very variable, klapowane- of 5- 9 heavily indented flaps, pointed. reach a length of 10 cm from the top of dark and glossy and the bottom of the lighter, naked. During its early fruitage in autumn they turn into beautiful, bright colorimetric shades of yellow and red.
  • Cornus kousa Milky Way A beautiful shrub that is a rarity in our garden. It grows up to 3-4 meters tall and as wide. Green leaves in autumn, they turn into a burgundy purple color. It blooms profusely in May and June. Flowers large in diameter of about 5 cm. Edible fruits round, red, very decorative. Its shape reminiscent of raspberries and strawberries.
    This Offered plant is so-called grafted which helps it bloom at once.



55-200 Marcinkowice
ul. Wiosenna 11

tel: 662 113 392
mail: krzaczek30@wp.pl
